WoW 097: On the value of virtue, Meaningful Action, part 4
In this episode of "Words of Wisdom," we explore the theme of virtues and how they serve as the directions towards a fulfilled life. We discuss the necessity of virtues for influence and leadership, and how they can shape the quality of our lives. Using the metaphor of ice cream and broccoli, we delve into the trade-offs between short-term comfort and long-term value. Join us on this journey as we explore the path of meaningful discomfort towards lasting peace.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, On Being a Real Person
Max Ehrmann, The Desiderata of Happiness
About Josh Kalsbeek, LMFT
• Marriage & Family Therapist, licensed in Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. Currently I'm seeing all clients via video Telehealth sessions.
•Founder and CEO of Great Oaks Collective, and it's flagship program Overcome, a 10-Week virtual Intensive Outpatient Program for Christian couples experiencing sexual betrayal and addiction. Learn more at Because sometimes traditional counseling is not enough.
• Founder of Wisecraft, giving tools and ideas to help you grow in wisdom. Learn more at Or go here to sign up to receive my weekly newsletter, Words of Wisdom.
• To learn about what I'm currently focused on in my life, go to my Now page.
Words of wisdom 97 on the value of virtue Meaningful Action, part four.
Speaker:Last week we talked about seeking out wise heroes, those people who have the
Speaker:depth of character you respect and admire.
Speaker:The classic way of speaking of someone's depth of character
Speaker:is how virtuous they are.
Speaker:Virtues offer you a set of directions for which way to move.
Speaker:Virtues are interconnected and consistent character traits that are ways of being as
Speaker:good as possible given a specific context.
Speaker:The greater the influence you want, the more virtue you should pursue.
Speaker:If you wanna lead others, prioritize growing in character.
Speaker:The depth of your character or your virtue will determine the quality of your
Speaker:life and the impact of your influence.
Speaker:When you're facing uncertainty, choose the highest virtue possible.
Speaker:You could call it having a virtue first approach to life.
Speaker:The best decisions lead to the most meaningful action, the most meaningful
Speaker:action chosen consistently will lead to creating the most of what is good,
Speaker:true, and beautiful in the world.
Speaker:You can think of meaningful action as being more durable
Speaker:than less meaningful action.
Speaker:Living out of the highest values leads to the longest lasting legacy.
Speaker:Eating ice cream leads to short-term enjoyment.
Speaker:That's fine when it's rarely done.
Speaker:But consistently eating ice cream is another matter.
Speaker:Initially, the consequences are minor and not so easily perceived
Speaker:an upset stomach perhaps.
Speaker:But consistently eating ice cream leads to fragility and all sorts of other problems.
Speaker:Obesity for one.
Speaker:There are many downstream costs to consistently compromising your values,
Speaker:but saying no regularly to the literal and proverbial ice cream, although good.
Speaker:Isn't enough.
Speaker:You must have other more virtuous habits replace the bad with the
Speaker:good eat vegetables, for example.
Speaker:But merely occasionally eating broccoli doesn't do much good either.
Speaker:When you learn to eat broccoli consistently, you see its benefits,
Speaker:but only after a considerable time.
Speaker:Over time, you can come to enjoy broccoli and this ensures you eat more of it.
Speaker:A potent way to enjoy eating broccoli is to find wise heroes who are the
Speaker:type of people who enjoy broccoli.
Speaker:Spend time with them, be open-minded and learn from them.
Speaker:Let yourself be influenced by their values and ways of thinking.
Speaker:Wise heroes like to share their experiences with other curious
Speaker:and intentional learners?
Speaker:Of course, I'm not just talking about ice cream and broccoli ice
Speaker:cream is whatever promises, quick comfort at the cost of your values.
Speaker:Broccoli is whatever promises long-term value at the cost of your comfort.
Speaker:Choose meaningful discomfort today.
Speaker:It's the only Path to peace quotes.
Speaker:The beginning of worthwhile living is thus the confrontation with
Speaker:ourselves by Harry Emerson Fick in the book on being a real person.
Speaker:Beyond a wholesome discipline.
Speaker:Be gentle with yourself.
Speaker:You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.
Speaker:You have a right to be here, and whether or not it is clear to you, no
Speaker:doubt, the universe is unfolding as it should therefore be at peace with God
Speaker:by Max Irman in his book, the De Dota of Happiness Questions, what choice can you
Speaker:make today that will create the most value and help that value last the longest?
Speaker:What is one thing you can do for 10 minutes that will grow your courage,
Speaker:self-control, purity, or insight?
Speaker:Can you do it every day?
Speaker:Use these questions as a journal prompt in prayers this week.
Speaker:End note, pay close attention to your thoughts, motives, and the meaning
Speaker:you make of what happens to you.
Speaker:They are the seeds of the fruit of the quality and the virtue in your life.
Speaker:Your own virtue is the most valuable end you can pursue.
Speaker:Virtue Best grows through worship.