WoW 95: On who are you becoming?, Meaningful Action. Part 2
In this episode Josh asks one simple yet profound question: 'Who are you becoming?' Discover how your choices can shape the next ten years of your life and be guided towards a path of wisdom and growth. Gain insights from Sister Corta Kent and James Clear as they share their unique strategies on self-improvement, self-discipline, and personal growth in episode 95 of Words of Wisdom.
Key Points:
- How the next decade of your life unfolds will largely depend on the direction you choose to take.
- The two potential paths: becoming wise or becoming foolish.
- Following someone wise or smart and emulating them can cultivate self-discipline.
- The need for constant improvement as emphasized by James Clear, pointing out that each new effort or action doesn't rely on the success of the previous one.
- The importance of having consistent practices that promote personal growth and positively influence others.
- Reflecting on your own growth through journal prompts.
Links Mentioned:
1. Learning by Heart book by Sister Corita Kent
2. James Clear's email newsletter - January 28th, 2021
About Josh Kalsbeek, LMFT
• Marriage & Family Therapist. Focused on helping individuals connect with their deepest desires, overcome their greatest struggles, and experience intimacy.
•Founder and CEO of Great Oaks Collective, and it's flagship program Overcome, a 10-Week virtual Intensive Outpatient Program for Christian couples experiencing sexual betrayal and addiction. Learn more at Because sometimes traditional counseling is not enough.
• Founder of Wisecraft, giving tools and ideas to help you grow in wisdom. Learn more at Or go here to sign up to receive my weekly newsletter, Words of Wisdom.
• To learn about what Josh is currently focused on in his life, go to his Now page.
Words of wisdom 95 on who are you becoming meaningful action.
Speaker:Part two, who are you becoming the next 10 years can be the
Speaker:greatest you've ever seen.
Speaker:In the next 10 years, you can experience deep flourishing, live a life of
Speaker:purpose, far surpass your goals, and grow to places of powerful influence.
Speaker:The next decade can deepen your convictions, sharpen your
Speaker:mind, and focus your life.
Speaker:Or in the next 10 years, you can wander without wonder.
Speaker:You can avoid the courageous next step.
Speaker:You know, deep down you need to take.
Speaker:The next decade can be one of struggle, unresolved pain, and further entrench
Speaker:the strongholds that magnify chaos.
Speaker:You see, your direction determines your destination.
Speaker:So where are you headed?
Speaker:You can either be on the path to becoming wise or to becoming foolish.
Speaker:There really are only two destinations.
Speaker:In the end quotes Rule five, be self-disciplined.
Speaker:This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them.
Speaker:To be disciplined is to follow in a good way.
Speaker:To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way by Sister Corta
Speaker:Kent in her book, learning by Heart.
Speaker:Improvement is a battle that must be fought anew each day.
Speaker:Your next workout doesn't care how strong your last one was.
Speaker:Your next essay doesn't care how popular your last one was.
Speaker:Your next investment doesn't care how smart your last one was.
Speaker:Your best effort, again by James Clear in his phenomenal email
Speaker:newsletter from January 28th, 2021.
Speaker:Questions, are you deepening your presence learning, improving your
Speaker:thinking, experiencing awe, and following your curiosity with courage?
Speaker:Are you improving your friendships, pursuing mentors, being careful about
Speaker:who influences you in person and online and seeking to serve others around you.
Speaker:Do you have consistent practices in your life that will help
Speaker:you and others flourish?
Speaker:Do you have a practice, a unified set of habits that are shaping you into
Speaker:a person of character and influence?
Speaker:Ask yourself, who am I becoming?
Speaker:What am I doing?
Speaker:What am I thinking?
Speaker:Who are my people?
Speaker:Is all of this putting me on the path to becoming wise or becoming foolish?
Speaker:Use these questions as a journal prompt this week.
Speaker:End note.
Speaker:Which path are you on?